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Dexter Southfield students are supported by a dedicated group of exceptional faculty and staff mentors. Teachers, coaches, and program directors provide careful guidance and intentional support, and they share their passions and talents to help our students gain the character, confidence, and compassion to become leaders, lifelong learners, and engaged citizens. 

< 1 2 3 4 5 18 > showing 37 - 54 of 307 constituents
Garret Chance

Garret Chance

Athletics Faculty, Swim Program Leader, Lower School Faculty, Teaching Fellow
Scot Chandler

Scot Chandler

Lower School Faculty, Science
Justin Charles

Justin Charles

Middle School Faculty, History
Erik Chase

Erik Chase

Upper School Faculty, Math
Katherine Clark

Katherine Clark

Upper School Faculty, Language
Matthew Clark

Matthew Clark

Athletic Facilities Supervisor
Jennifer Clawson

Jennifer Clawson

Sports Information Coordinator
Andrew Cobuccio

Andrew Cobuccio

Financial Analyst
Amy Cokinos

Amy Cokinos

Assistant Athletic Director, Scheduling & Referees
Mia Conte

Mia Conte

Leadership Gifts Officer, Assistant Coach, Girls' Varsity Track and Field
Steven Conway

Steven Conway

Coach, Boys' Varsity Soccer
Margaret Coppola

Margaret Coppola

Lower School Faculty, Science
Ann Corbett

Ann Corbett

Middle School Faculty, Language Department Chair
Sarah Cornelius

Sarah Cornelius

Middle School Faculty, English and History
Jane Croke

Jane Croke

Associate Director of College Counseling
< 1 2 3 4 5 18 > showing 37 - 54 of 307 constituents