By the conclusion of Class 4, students are able to identify the eight parts of speech as well as synonyms, antonyms, metaphors, and similes. They understand subject and object pronouns as well as adjective and adverb phrases. They know about prepositions and compound prepositions in addition to the predicate nominative and the predicate adjective.
Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, and decimals with fluency. They understand the division of money by a whole number. They become adept at rounding and estimating and know the place and value of decimals to the thousandths. They know the area formula for quadrilaterals and triangles, perimeter of polygons, and the area and circumference of a circle. They can measure angles and classify both angles and triangles. They are able to employ different problem-solving techniques to multi-step problems. They recognize measurement standards with respect to time, weight, length, and capacity.
Language Arts
Students continue progressing in their fluency, pacing, and expression as they read orally. They are active readers who can connect, predict, question, visualize, evaluate, summarize, and infer. They are able to identify the main idea, recall facts, and locate details to answer directed questions. They learn about plot setting, characterization, symbolism, theme, and point of view. In public speaking, they memorize and present poetry. They build their vocabulary through the study of words and meanings.
Social Studies
Students are able to identify all 50 states and their capitals. They know the different types of maps—elevation, highway, political, and land cover—and are able to read them using legends and map scales. They study Ancient Egypt and learn about its systems of writing and religion, as well as mummies, science and math, and everyday life.
Students develop in their ability as writers through pre-writing (brainstorming and using graphic organizers), composing rough drafts, revising, editing, and then publishing. They are able to write a high-quality paragraph—connecting the main ideas and details—using a variety of styles. Through the study of poetry, they can identify and create different kinds of verse, including cinquain, sense, and haiku. They learn cursive handwriting and how to form and write all cursive letters.