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Middle School Curriculum

Classes 6-8 are a time of mindful exploration. As students embrace new freedoms and responsibilities, they are encouraged to take risks, test their limits, and make mistakes. 

Through this deliberate, thoughtful process, they come to understand that challenges are a part of growth. Cultivating resolve and a mindset of learning in the face of both success and failure, students develop courage, independence, and self-advocacy.


Each grade level explores a year-long literary theme through the investigation of grade-appropriate novels, short stories, poetry, and drama. Teachers emphasize reading fluency and critical reading to help students engage with texts. Diversity is prioritized in our study of literature as we seek to offer students a balance of both “windows and mirrors” so that they continually encounter diverse perspectives and practice critical thinking and self-reflection. Students engage in formal discussions that enhance their listening, participation, and analytical skills. In writing, there is a deliberate emphasis on the organization of thought and the writing process, including revision and editing skills. Through all of these activities, the studies of grammar and vocabulary are ongoing.


Students embark on an engaging exploration of American history, government, and economics to understand the forces that have shaped our nation while discovering their own role as active citizens. Through hands-on experiences with primary sources, meaningful research, and enriching on-site learning experiences, students develop the critical thinking skills needed to understand our democratic society. Students work more independently to strengthen their analytical thinking and civic engagement, while developing the essential reading and writing skills that form the foundation for future academic success.


The Middle School’s language department offers students a choice of Latin, Spanish, or French. Students in Class 6 take a rotation introducing each language, before selecting one language to study in Classes 7 and 8. In each language, faculty work with students to foster competency in the 5Cs of twenty-first-century learning: communication, collaboration, character, creativity, and critical thinking. While developing the acquisition of the target language through listening, speaking, reading, and writing, students also gain cultural awareness of the target language’s world that goes beyond heroes and celebrations.


Middle School math students progress through a linear program that is designed to meet them at a level commensurate with their math skill and experience and grow with them at an aggressive but comfortable pace. Our six unique class offerings bolster skills in arithmetic and basic operations, introduce and reinforce algebraic concepts, and cover secondary-level geometry. Students learn to approach problem-solving with flexibility and confidence, collaborate with peers and instructors, form and test hypotheses, and assess their skills by completing a wide range of assessments. Using an intentional cross-curricular design, students make connections between mathematics and the world around them through interdisciplinary projects and form an appreciation for mathematics as the language of science and technology.


In science, we take an active approach to learning, giving students opportunities to experience firsthand how scientific inquiry is conducted. For example, they collect data from the Charles River and complete collaborative engineering and interdisciplinary projects. We strive to develop scientifically literate citizens by focusing on essential skills such as creating and interpreting graphs, thinking critically about data, and effectively communicating scientific concepts and lab results. Science courses progress from earth science, to life science, chemistry, and physics.


Performing Arts  

Students in the Middle School can choose between chorus, theater, and instrumental ensemble, allowing them to delve more deeply into their area of interest. Music classes balance rehearsal time and traditional classroom time. This once again reflects the emphasis on the value of "learning through doing." Theater students learn the basics of stage performance with a focus on confidence, vocal projection, and creative story telling. The Middle School spring musical offers an opportunity for students to take part in a full-scale theater production.  

Visual Arts   

Students continue to develop foundational skills as they refine their abilities as visual communicators in a studio environment. Students in Class 6 take 2D and Sculpture courses which swap each semester. Classes 7 and 8 have the choice between sculpture, woodshop, and 2D art classes, each lasting one semester apiece. Experiences with drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and site-specific installation all help students foster a better understanding of possible avenues for their emerging talents. Additionally, Class 7 and 8 students can experience Art and STEM as well as Advanced Art for those looking to refine their 2D skills. 

Learn more about our arts programs.