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Performing Arts

Lorem Ipsum

The performing arts curriculum encourages all students to participate in music or theater performance. 

Lower School students discover the joy of expressing themselves through music, theater, and movement. In the Middle School and Upper School, performance-based programs such as chorus, instrumental ensembles, and theater productions are complemented by course offerings in theory, history, and methodology, which promote active engagement and incorporate performance wherever possible. 


Lower School 

A primary goal of music class for our youngest students is to help them discover that participation in song and dance activities is an enriching and enjoyable experience. For our youngest students, it is important to pair theoretical concepts with a hands-on curriculum, as students at this age learn best through active engagement. The recorder is introduced in Class 3 to develop skills in sight reading and musicianship. Choir and Junior Ensemble begin in Classes 4 and 5, with all students participating in both groups. Every student learns to play an instrument, and every student learns how to sing in a choir. Instruments are chosen by students and their families. Sight reading, vocal and instrumental technique, and basic musicianship skills are taught through performance-based programs, which provide a strong musical foundation and allow all students the opportunity to foster their musical talents. Students in Classes 4 and 5 also meet for theater classes. Students play improv games focused on building confidence and creativity, while learning the importance of play and imagination in working with others. 


Middle School  

Students in the Middle School can choose between theater, ensemble, and chorus. The format of music class is as much geared toward rehearsal time as it is to traditional classroom time, again reflecting the emphasis on learning through doing. Topics in theory and history are incorporated into rehearsal-style classes, and a varied selection of genres is chosen for performance, providing students with a well-rounded musical education while keeping them engaged in making music. Theater classes balance the teaching of methodology, technical skills, and general knowledge of stage performance. Students gain confidence, build skills in creativity and learn the importance of their voice.

The spring musical is an opportunity for students in the Middle School to take part in a full-scale theater production. Whether acting in a lead role, singing and dancing in the chorus, or working with the stage crew, students in this annual production are offered a variety of roles for different levels of interest and experience. The spring musical is a community undertaking, with contributions from students, faculty, and parents alike. 


Upper School  

The Upper Schoool provides students with a wide menu of opportunities for music and theater performance, as well as specific course offerings within both disciplines. The theater department stages two productions each year. The fall show is typically a musical with a large cast that offers a variety of roles, from leads to chorus and stage crew, while the winter show features a smaller cast and is typically a one-act play performed at a competition. Both are auditioned, and rehearsals take place during the evening after most sports practices have finished so that students can do both activities. The music department presents four major concerts every year and offers courses in theory, world music, ukulele, vocal performance, and instrumental performance. Jam Club, Chamber Music, and other specialized performance groups meet outside of the block schedule and provide students with additional performance opportunities. While some groups require a full-year commitment, others can be elected for a single semester. The performing arts requirement can be fulfilled through participation in theater productions, participation in vocal or instrumental performance groups, enrollment in music or theater courses, or some combination of the above.