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School Traditions

Lorem Ipsum

Many traditions unite our community, complement our programs and culture, and strengthen ties across campus while providing opportunities for growth and camaraderie.

Some traditions are ingrained, like the Dress Code, which represents purposefulness, a focus on learning, and respect for how we present ourselves. Other traditions are milestone moments that mark a progression through the School: the PreK Art Show, Probability Carnival, Class 8 trip to Washington, D.C., Open Mic and Performing Arts Nights, and Senior Independent Learning Experience. Then, there are the true cornerstone traditions of Dexter Southfield, like culminating Public Speaking presentations and Weekly Assemblies, where students and faculty come together to reflect and reinforce our values. 

Whether it’s progressing from jumper to blazer, sharing smiles and tears at the All-School Senior Send-Off, or experiencing the pure joy of Dexter Southfield Day, these traditions unite students as classmates, alumni, and lifelong friends.


On the Seniors’ last day of school, the Dexter Southfield community gathers to congratulate them on this major milestone.